
Boarding and Grooming Policies

Please read about our policies here at Champion Kennels in Sterling, MA. For more information, we can be reached at 978-422-3100.

Our Pet Policies at Champion Kennels

  1. Cancellation Policy
  • A 7-day cancellation is required during peak times (school vacations, holidays, summer). If not canceled in time, a one-day boarding fee will be charged based on the number of pets booked.
  • Example: 2 dogs = $95, 1 dog = $55, Priority = $80 per dog.
  • There are no refunds for early pick-ups during peak times. You are responsible for the days booked.

2. Grooming Appointment Policy

  • Please be prompt for your grooming appointment. Call or text at least four days in advance if you need to reschedule.
  • A $30 fee will be applied per dog for missed appointments or if they are more than 15 minutes late.

3. Health & Vaccination Policy

  • Dogs: Required vaccinations include DHLPP Booster, Rabies, and Kennel Cough (Titers accepted).
  • Kennel Cough vaccination requires a 10-day wait period before boarding.
  • Cats: Required vaccinations include Rabies, FVRCP, and proof of being Leukemia negative.
  • Owners must bring up-to-date shot records. A $10 fee applies if we need to contact your veterinarian for records.
  • No pets are admitted on the day they receive a vaccination.

4. Food Policy

  • For dogs bringing their food, it must be pre-bagged into individual portions (2 meals per day) with the pet’s first and last name on each bag.
  • A $2 fee per meal applies if the food needs to be properly bagged.

5. Payment Policy

  • Payment for all services is due at drop-off. We only accept cash or checks (ATM available on-site).
  • Prices are subject to change.

6. Curbside Pick-up Policy

  • All pet supplies are available for curbside pick-up. Please text your order to (978) 990-3364.
  • Please place your order the day before for pick-up on Tuesday or Sunday (when the office is closed).

7. Special Needs & Medications

  • Special needs pets are charged an additional $5-10 daily.
  • Depending on the complexity, administering medication costs $2-8 per dose.

8. Priority Care Policy

  • Your dog can stay up front with us for extra care and attention under our Priority Care option.
  • 1 Dog: $80/day
  • 2 Dogs: $120/day
  • Priority stays include one playtime daily or three walks.

9. Late Pick-Up Policy for Day Boards

  • Before—or after-hours pick-ups must be made by appointment. Please inform the office of your pick-up time when you drop off your dog.
  • If your pick-up time changes, please call or text the kennel. Without an appointment, a 5-10 minute wait may occur.
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