
Expert Dog Training Classes

Canine Training & Classes in Sterling, Massachusetts

Class Schedule Updated: 01/02/25

For more information, call 978-422-3100 or text 978-990-3364

 Pre-registration is required for all classes.

At Champion Kennels in Sterling, Massachusetts, we offer a range of training classes for dogs of all ages and skill levels, from puppy kindergarten to advanced training. Our expert instructors provide group classes and private lessons in our air-conditioned training building, ensuring your dog is trained in comfort. Our 6-week courses are priced at $180, with payment due in advance. Class sizes are limited, so register early to secure your spot. Champion Kennels in Sterling, MA, can be reached at 978-422-3100. Train with the champions!

Dog Training Class Information


 New Classes Coming Soon

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Breed Handling and Companion Training

  • Drop-in Breed Handling Class

Instructor: Debra Metcalf Morris

o Small Breeds & Puppies: 1:00 PM

o Large Breeds: 2:00 PM

  • Companion Training Class

Instructor: Janet Dexter

o Beginner/Level 1: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

o Intermediate/Ongoing: 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM

Class Description: Learn to use positive reinforcement methods, such as treats, toys, and clickers, to build strong bonds with your dog.


Daytime Companion Training and Nose Work

  • Daytime Companion Training

Instructor: Janet Dexter

o Beginner/Level 1: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

o Intermediate/Ongoing: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Class Description: Positive reinforcement-based training to help motivate owners and their pets using treats, toys, and clickers.

  • Nose Work

Instructor: Jennifer Jackson

o Intro, Intermediate, Advanced: Call for availability and times.


 Nose Work

  • Nose Work

Instructor: Jennifer Jackson

o Intro, Intermediate, Advanced: Call for availability and times.


Puppy Classes & Rally Run Thru

  • Puppy Class

Instructor: Diane King

o Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Class Description: For young puppies—large breeds up to 4 months old, small breeds up to 5 months old.

  • Drop-in Rally Run Thru

Instructor: Sue Niford

o Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Note: Call or text by Thursday if you plan to attend.

Text: 978-990-3364

Phone: 978-422-3100


 New Classes Coming Soon

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